Prince of Peace Roseville auction March 7 – March 14 2021

Mar 6, 2021 | News

Auction Item - A Taste of Tanzania Cookbook Bundle

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Roseville Minnesota is holding an online auction fundraiser March 7 2021 – March 14 2021  ( to support Iringa Hope and building projects in their companion congregations of Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa.

The auction includes a wide variety of items including many items from Tanzania.

Bomalang’ombe is a member of Iringa Hope and has both a SACCOS and an AMCOS.  Their members talk about the profits they have gotten from SACCOS, and they enjoy the AMCOS because it is so easy to get their farming materials for everyone in Bomalang’ombe!

Here are just a few success stories from Bomalang’ombe Iringa Hope members:

Hiari Kimata recognized the need for an electronics shop in Bomalang’ombe – now many people buy their electronics from him.

Loas Luhwago opened a new shop of clothes and now has a sewing machine.  She helps many students make their school uniforms.

Andrew Luhwagila used his profits to send his children to school.  He is especially proud of his daughter who went to tailoring school and learned to make shirts.  She now has a sewing machine.

These stories and others will be shared at an online Adult Forum on March 7th at 10:00 am (and available later through YouTube), and at a closing Zoom event on March 14th at 6:30 pm.

For more information and links to the auction and events, visit


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