How Iringa Hope Works

Iringa Hope helps our members lift themselves out of extreme poverty through a combination of training and education in combination with access to the resources and markets they need to be successful.

Annual Meeting

Village Organizations

Individual villages can form SACCOS and AMCOS


A SACCOS (Savings and Credit Cooperative Society) is a locally owned and operated microfinance cooperative.  Members pool resources and grant small loans that allow the members to better manage and run their farms and businesses.


An AMCOS (Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Society) is a locally owned and operated Farmer’s cooperative.  The AMCOS provides members with access to quality seeds, fertilizer and sprays and helps them market their crops.

Iringa Hope supporting organizations

Iringa Hope Tanzania has organized 3 groups to support the village SACCOS and AMCOS

Iringa Hope Joint SACCOS

Iringa Hope Joint SACCOS

IHJS – the Iringa Hope Joint SACCOS provides access to capital.  Officers of the IHJS are elected by the village SACCOS

Iringa Hope Joint AMCOS

Iringa Hope Joint AMCOS

IHJA – the Iringa Hope Joint AMCOS provides access to markets.  Officers of the IHJA are elected by the village AMCOS

The Micro Finance Institute

The Microfinance Institute

MFI – The Microfinance Institute is led by degreed professionals who provide education and training in finance, farms and business management, budgeting, agronomy and marketing.  The MFI is supported by fees paid by the IHJS and IHJA.

Iringa Hope USA

Iringa Hope USA

Iringa Hope USA – provides fundraising and advice but all decision making is done by Iringa Hope Tanzania and the individual SACCOS and AMCOS.

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